YES Forum


YourEP (2017-2018)

Action: Erasmus+ KA2 - Strategic partnership for youth

Project coordinator: YES Forum

For more information, please check the project's webpage or Facebook.


The YourEP project started from a shared observation: Citizenship has become yet another area of exclusion, especially for youngsters with fewer opportunities.

Active citizenship, EU and political awareness, and Social inclusion are indeed closely intertwined issues in the field of youth. While these issues can only be tackled altogether, youngsters with fewer opportunities are still underrepresented in initiatives promoting political participation and political awareness.

This is even more striking in the specific case of political simulations, designed to involve youngsters in “make-believe” politics to teach them how political institutions work and promote their civic participation. Disadvantaged youngsters are particularly underrepresented in such initiatives, even though they can benefit the most from these powerful educational tools.


To contribute to open political simulations to a more diverse audience, YourEP therefore  consisted of 3 Transnational Project Meetings and 2 Blended Mobility activities aimed at developing and implementing a political simulation of the European Parliament (EP) specifically designed for youngsters with fewer opportunities.

To better suit their needs, the EP simulation method will was designed with the active involvement of 24 youngsters with fewer opportunities from 7 different EU countries. They were accompanied by experienced youth workers from the partners, while the whole process was supported by the European expertise of JEF Europe (Young European Federalists).

All activities took place in Brussels, Strasbourg, Stuttgart and in partner countries in 2017 and 2018. In the context of the Blended Mobility, the process was supported by online activities in between the main events.

Summarizing this experiment and the lessons drawn for it for Inclusive and Accessible political education, the YourEP Project was concluded by the publication of:



#YourEPsimulation: 2nd Publication - "Sésame, Ouvre-toi!"

The YourEP project, led by YES Forum and 9 members and partners, published its second outcome: "Sésame, Ouvre-toi! Recommendations - Unleashing the full potential of political simulations".

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YES Forum Policy Event, Brussels, 21-22 November

Under the title: Why so serious? EU politics can be fun! YES Forum organised a policy event on 21-22 November in Brussels

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#YourEPsimulation: 1st Publication!

The YourEP project, led by YES Forum and 9 members and partners, published its first outcome: "The YourEP Experiment - Key Lessons for Inclusive & Accessible Political Simulations".

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YES Forum’s own workshop at the #EYE2018!

YES Forum, with several partners and young participants, had the exceptional opportunity to organise its own workshop on 2nd June, inside the European Parliament, during the European Youth Event in Strasbourg.

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YourEP – Simulation Accomplished! Strasbourg, 29-31 May

On 29 May -3 June in Strasbourg, the YourEP Project held its simulation of the European Parliament involving all its participants, with a majority of young people experiencing one of their first trip abroad as well as their first Erasmus+ experience.

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YourEP - Getting Ready for Strasbourg! 2nd Project Meeting, Pitea, March 2018

On 8th March, the 10 partners of the Erasmus+ YourEP project met in the snowy Piteå, Sweden for their second Transnational Project Meeting.

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YourEP in Brussels: Challenge completed!

On 20-24 November, the YourEP Project had its first meeting involving all its participants from 7 EU partner countries, with a majority of young people experiencing their first trip abroad as well as their first Erasmus+ experience.

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YourEP goes online!

The Erasmus+ project for youth YourEP, coordinated by the YES Forum, has now entered its online phase!

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YourEP: Work in Progress!

On 30-31 May, sunny Stuttgart provided the perfect setting for the YourEP project's 1st Project Meeting.

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YourEP officially starts!

YES Forum's Erasmus+ youth project "YourEP" officially started on 1st April.

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21/112018Brussels, Belgium

YES Forum 2018 Policy Event - "Why so serious? EU politics can be fun!"

On 21-22 November, the YES Forum will organise its 2018 Policy Event in Brussels.

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29/052018Strasbourg, France

YourEP - Time to prepare for the EYE2018!

From 29 May to 3 June 2018, the YourEP participants will all gather in Strasbourg to test their own inclusive simulation of the European Parliament ... and take part in the European Youth Event 2018 itself!

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08/032018Piteå, Sweden

YourEP 2nd Partner Meeting in Piteå, Sweden

On 8th March, the 10 partners of the YourEP project will meet in Piteå, Sweden for their second Transnational Project Meeting.

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20/112017Brussels, Belgium

YourEP - The young participants meet in Brussels

On 20-24 November, the YourEP participants will all gather in Brussels for the first time.

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30/052017Stuttgart, Germany

YourEP 1st Partner Meeting in Stuttgart

On 30-31 May, the 10 partners of the YourEP project will meet in Stuttgart for the 1st Transnational Project Meeting.

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Contact Person


Organisation & Project Team

T +49-711-1612345
F +49-711-1234567