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Our projects

Training Trainers for Migrants and Roma - TTMIRO (2012-2014)

Action: 'Lifelong Learning' Grundtvig Multilateral Project


TTMIRO, or Training Trainers for Migrants and Roma, was a project supported by the European Commission, and it ran between 2012 and 2014. The two year project was initiated to address the need for raising awareness and new methods for VET/LLL trainers working with migrants and Roma. By applying a sociological approach used within social services to powerful tools of social inclusion such as training, LLL and VET, the partnership sought to develop a training material that would enable adult education teachers to be more conscious about the importance of social and cultural background factors for the individual learner.

Specifically, the material comprises a curriculum outline as well as concrete lesson plans for the training of trainers designed to recast the focus in VET/LLL learning of the individual difference (ethnic, social etc.) to the process of learning through cooperation and sharing. The long-term goal of these methods is to prevent the reproduction of discriminatory practices, inequality and stigmas in the learning process as well as the inclusion of people that do not share society’s dominant culture. Moreover, through these methods migrants and Roma LLL learners can gain the maximum benefit out of attending VET courses.
