YES Forum


Our projects

EU Green Deal pops up in future generations newsfeed (U.Pin) (2022-2024)

Action: Erasmus+KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth |

Project coordinator: ÖJAB




In U.Pin we want to encourage young people to contribute to climate protection, to be active citizens and to participate in shaping the future. At the same time, we also want to equip young people with skills that are significant in a changing world. These include digital skills and media competence.

Our project has a strong digital component, in which all outcomes are designed for digital use and dissemination. In addition, the project aims to promote digital political engagement by involving young people in the production of videos


With U.Pin, we want to raise awareness on climate change among young people, inform about solutions on different levels and empower to become active in the fight against climate change. For this purpose, appealing, contextualised and applicable information on climate change and the EU Green Deal in innovative formats will be designed. To pick them up and reach them in the reality of their lives, new social media will be used for the dissemination (TikTok, Instagram and YouTube). But we don't just want to develop and design this content for them, but also with them.



New projects, new partners… and finally on-site!

The READY and U.Pin projects start with two face-to-face meetings

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