YES Forum



Erasmus+ KA205 - Strategic partnership for youth

For the most recent developments in the project, check our latest news here!

Credits: Photovoice results of young participants from Sankt Johannis Bernburg, IEKEP, Action Jeunesse Pessac, YES Forum, ÖJAB, Jongerenwerk

The birth of a project

Youth work is all about inclusion, especially at the YES Forum. And although the past few years – even decades – have shown political education is more urgent than ever, it is an area in which inclusion remains a challenge. To guarantee the durability of modern democracies through their social cohesion, how can we build bridges between fragmented people, especially among youth?

This is the main concern behind the “Europe through young Eyes: Exchange, Explore, Exhibit” project. Europe3E will therefore experiment innovative methods to open political education to all youth. That is, ways to help young people engaging in the public debate, regardless of their difficulties.

With the involvement of youth workers and young people with fewer opportunities from different EU countries, Europe3E will especially explore the benefits of combining two youth work approaches. In the last few years, they were successfully – but independently –  applied in two other projects:

  • Creativity as an obstacle-free channel for youth expression:Our Life. Our Voice” used creative peer-research methods to let young people in a situation of poverty express themselves about this issue. Europe3E will now focus on a different topic, EU politics, through the Photovoice method!
  • Accessible & Inclusive Political Education through games: “YourEP” designed a political simulation of the European Parliament with young disadvantaged people to better fit their specific needs. Europe3E will build upon this method to make it even more accessible by combining “mock politics” with Photovoice!

To put it shortly, Europe3E will focus on a more personal level to engage those young people who we could not reach in earlier projects, and open the doors of political education even wider!

  • Credits: Photovoice result of young participants from Sankt Johannis Bernburg, November 2020



Two main youth work approaches will be experimented together through Europe3E, in order to unleash the potential of their synergy!

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  • Credits: Photovoice results from Sankt Johannis Bernburg
  • Credits: Photovoice result from Action Jeunesse Pessac
  • Credits: Photovoice result from YES Forum
  • Credits: Photovoice result from Sankt Johannis Bernburg


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Credits: Pictures and snapshots of YourEP’s final results, which will be improved through Europe3E. Stay tuned, they will be replaced by Europe3E’s own results later on!


So Europe3E is all about innovating and experimenting through the combination and fine-tuning of creative youth work methods. Let’s not forget the actual, final objective: helping young people!

Here are the end results the Europe3E partnership is aiming to reach.

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Credits: YES Forum’s pictures and snapshots of various Europe3E events (TPM1, Online Training C1, TPM2)


In Erasmus+ terms, Intellectual Outputs are concrete deliverables that ensure the long-lasting impact of a project. In our case, “IOs” will be about sharing the Europe3E methods, fine-tuned by our own experiments, as well as showing our young participants’ results to inspire others to try Photovoice and “mock politics” themselves!

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Credits: YES Forum’s snapshots of the “work-in-progress” draft deliverables.


All Photovoice pictures taken by the young participants in the project have been gathered in an Online Exhibition. We are very proud of the great work done! Check the results of the Europe3E Photovoice HERE

More about the project

Europe3E is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Youth running from 2019 to 2021.

To reach its objectives, it involves experienced youth workers, accompanying small groups of young people with fewer opportunities, from 5 EU countries. For more details about our partners, click on their logos below!