YES Forum


Our projects

The YES Forum aims at creating new opportunities to adress all young people. Building upon the young people's own experiences and resources, our projects encourage them to develop their skills and to find their place in society. We are committed to making the views and interests of young people heard at the local, regional and national scale, but also at the European level.

We also seek to promote and facilitate the exchange of good practices and innovative approaches in youth work, with a focus on young vulnerable people. Furthermore, we aim to strengthen the societal and political awareness of the value and importance of youth work.

Raising EU Awareness through accessible Documents for Youth (READY) (2021-2023)

Raising EU Awareness through accessible Documents for Youth (READY) (2021-2023)

Action: Erasmus+ KA220-YOU- Cooperation partnerships in youth | Project coordinator: YES Forum

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EU Green Deal pops up in future generations newsfeed (U.Pin) (2022-2024)

EU Green Deal pops up in future generations newsfeed (U.Pin) (2022-2024)

Action: Erasmus+KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth | Project coordinator: ÖJAB

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PhotoVoice - Participation & Empowerment in Youth Work (VOICE) (2021-2023)

PhotoVoice - Participation & Empowerment in Youth Work (VOICE) (2021-2023)

Action: Erasmus+ KA227 – Strategic Partnerships for Creativity Project coordinator: YES Forum

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POWERst – emPOWERing first generation STudents (2021-2023)

POWERst – emPOWERing first generation STudents (2021-2023)

Action: Erasmus+ KA203 - Strategic partnership for higher education | Project coordinator: University of Stuttgart (USTUTT)

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Supporting Alliance for African Mobility (SAAM) (2020-2023)

Supporting Alliance for African Mobility (SAAM) (2020-2023)

Action: European Commission pilot project for Vocational Education and Training mobility (VET) mobility scheme in Africa (EAC/S34/2018) | Project coordinator: Centro San Viator (ES)

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Europe through Young Eyes: Exchange, Explore, Exhibit (Europe3E) (2019-2021)

Europe through Young Eyes: Exchange, Explore, Exhibit (Europe3E) (2019-2021)

Action: Erasmus+ KA205 - Strategic partnership for youth Project coordinator: YES Forum

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The Employable Youth: It Works! (2019-2022)

The Employable Youth: It Works! (2019-2022)

Action: Erasmus+ KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training | Project coordinator: YES Forum

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Breaching Reservation and Improving Dialogue through Generational Exchange (BRIDGE) (2021-2023)

Breaching Reservation and Improving Dialogue through Generational Exchange (BRIDGE) (2021-2023)

Action: Erasmus+ KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for Youth | Project coordinator: IB

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Social Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility (SIEM) (2019-2021)

Social Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility (SIEM) (2019-2021)

Action: Erasmus+ KA3 - Support for Policy Reform | Project coordinator: ESN

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Towards more Gender-Sensitivity in Youth Work (2018-2020)

Towards more Gender-Sensitivity in Youth Work (2018-2020)

Action: Erasmus+ KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth Project coordinator: BAG EJSA

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Kinderstadt Goes Europe (2018-2020)

Kinderstadt Goes Europe (2018-2020)

Action: Erasmus+ KA1 - Strategic Partnership for Youth Project coordinator: St. Johannis gGmbH

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YES to Volunteering! (2018-2020)

YES to Volunteering! (2018-2020)

Action: Erasmus+ KA1 - Strategic EVS Project coordinator: YES Forum

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DIVE - Diversity in Pan-European Networks (2017-2019)

DIVE - Diversity in Pan-European Networks (2017-2019)

Action: Erasmus+ KA2 - Strategic partnership for youth Project coordinator: JEF Europe

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YourEP (2017-2018)

YourEP (2017-2018)

Action: Erasmus+ KA2 - Strategic partnership for youth Project coordinator: YES Forum

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PROMISE - Youth inclusion and social engagement (2016-2019)

PROMISE - Youth inclusion and social engagement (2016-2019)

Action: H2020 Topic: The young as a driver of social change Project coordinator: The University of Manchester (UK)

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Our life. Our voice. Young people and poverty (2015-2017)

Our life. Our voice. Young people and poverty (2015-2017)

Action: Erasmus+ KA2 - Strategic partnership for youth Project coordinator: YES Forum

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European Voluntary Service for All - EVS4ALL (2015-2017)

European Voluntary Service for All - EVS4ALL (2015-2017)

Action: Erasmus+ KA2 - Strategic partnership for youth Project coordinator: IKAB Bildungswerk

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EVS4ALL - Short-Term EVS in Germany (2016-2017)

EVS4ALL - Short-Term EVS in Germany (2016-2017)

Action: Erasmus+ KA1 - European Voluntary Service | Project coordinator: YES Forum

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YES Academy (2015-2016)

YES Academy (2015-2016)

Action: Erasmus + KA1 - Mobility of Youth workers | Project coordinator: YES Forum

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Youth political participation: Level up! (2016)

Youth political participation: Level up! (2016)

Action: Erasmus+ KA1 - Youth Exchanges | Project coordinator: YES Forum

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Young European citizens united in diversity (2015)

Young European citizens united in diversity (2015)

Action: Erasmus+ KA1 - Youth Exchanges | Project coordinator: YES Forum

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Volunteering as A Pathway to Employment - VAPE (2012-2014)

Volunteering as A Pathway to Employment - VAPE (2012-2014)

Action: 'Lifelong Learning' Grundtvig Multilateral Project Project coordinator: YES Forum

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Integration through Exchange (2009-2014)

Integration through Exchange (2009-2014)

Action: European Social Fund | Project coordinator: Stiftung ev.Jugendhilfe St. Johannis Bernburg

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European Anti-Bullying Network - EAN (2013-2014)

European Anti-Bullying Network - EAN (2013-2014)

Action: Daphne III programme | Project coordinator: The Smile of the Child

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Training Trainers for Migrants and Roma - TTMIRO (2012-2014)

Training Trainers for Migrants and Roma - TTMIRO (2012-2014)

Action: 'Lifelong Learning' Grundtvig Multilateral Project

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Europe for Youth (2011-2012)

Europe for Youth (2011-2012)

Action: 'Youth in Action' - Training of Youth workers Project coordinator: YES Forum

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ATTEMPT (2011-2012)

ATTEMPT (2011-2012)

Action: Daphne Programme - Exchange of good practice Project coordinator: COOSS Marche Onlus

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Europe Mobility For All (2011-2013)

Europe Mobility For All (2011-2013)

Action: 'Lifelong Learning Programme'

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Language learning and social media: 6 key dialogues (2010-2012)

Language learning and social media: 6 key dialogues (2010-2012)

Action: Lifelong Learning Programme - KA2 Network Project coordinator: University of Luxembourg

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Yo-Train (2008-2010)

Yo-Train (2008-2010)

Action: Lifelong Learning Programme Project coordinator: Skellefteå kommun

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EuropeMobility (2008-2010)

EuropeMobility (2008-2010)

Action: Lifelong Learning Programme - Leonardo Da Vinci Project coordinator: CSCS

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Youth-Empowerment-Solutions (2005-2006)

Youth-Empowerment-Solutions (2005-2006)

Action: Pilot projects to promote youth participation Project coordinator: YES Forum

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Yo-Pro : Youth work in Progress (2005-2006)

Yo-Pro : Youth work in Progress (2005-2006)

Action: Lifelong Learning Programme - Leonardo Da Vinci Project coordinator: Trondheim City Council

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Youth Magazine (2004)

Youth Magazine (2004)

Action: European Youth Foundation - Council of Europe Project coordinator: YES Forum

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YES against racism (2002-2004)

YES against racism (2002-2004)

Action: European Youth Programme - International Seminar Project coordinator: BAG EJSA

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Living in Europe - Young people explore their communities (2003)

Living in Europe - Young people explore their communities (2003)

Action: European Youth Foundation - Council of Europe Project coordinator: YES Forum

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Participation as a means of preventing social exclusion (2000-2002)

Participation as a means of preventing social exclusion (2000-2002)

Action: Combating and preventing social exclusion Project coordinator: BAG EJSA

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