YES Forum - Youth and European Social Work
YES Forum 2017 Annual Event: General Assembly & "Our Life. Our Voice" Final Conference | Brussels, 3-4th May

Dear Members and Partners,

This year, the YES Forum will be once again happy to welcome you to its Annual Event in Brussels on 3-4th May. The event will consist of:

  • YES Forum's 2017 General Assembly on 3rd May, 13:00-17:30
  • “Our Life. Our Voice. Young people and poverty” Final conference on 4th May, 10:00-16:00

A Welcome party, including dinner, will also introduce the “Our Life. Our Voice” Final conference and provide a chilled-out networking opportunity on 3rd May, 19:00.

Regardless of your organisation’s status toward the YES Forum, you are warmly invited to all events, but can however attend only one of those if you wish. For more information about the updated programme, please check here for the GA, and here for the “Our Life. Our Voice” Final conference.

Participation Conditions

Attendance to the General Assembly (3rd May, 13:00-17:30) and the “Our Life. Our Voice” Final conference (4th May, 10:00-16:00) alone will be free of charge.

Travel will be arranged and covered by the participants.

Regarding accommodation and subsistence, we are pleased to offer the following packages:

YES Forum EEIG Members

As YES Forum EEIG members, the membership fee will cover, for 2 participants maximum:

  • Accommodation for 1 night*
  • Participation to the Welcome Party
Associate & Guest organisations**

For a participation fee of 140€ per participant, YES Forum will arrange and cover:

  • Accommodation for 1 night*
  • Participation to the Welcome Party

For a participation fee of 30€ per participant, YES Forum will arrange and cover:

  • Participation to the Welcome Party

* Additional nights booked by the YES Forum will be paid directly by participants to the hotel (Motel One, 102,5€ per person).

** A final confirmation will be sent upon payment of the invoice to the YES Forum before the event.

Venue and Accomodation

Both the General Assembly and the "Our Life. Our Voice" Final conference will take place at the L42 Business center, in the heart of Brussels' European Quarter (Rue de la Loi, 42).

For participants needing YES Forum to book a room (cf. Participation Conditions), accomodation will be arranged in single rooms at Motel One, only 800m away from the venue (Rue Royale 12).


To register, please fill this survey before 31st March.

Note that, if applicable, the information you provide will be used to send an invoice prior to the event.

Closer to the Annual Event, you will receive an Info-Kit including all relevant information in regard to the programme, venue, accommodation (if relevant) and itineraries.


Looking forward to meeting you in Brussels!

The YES Forum Secretariat


Y.E.S. Forum EEIG
Wagenburgstr. 26 - 28
D-70184 Stuttgart

Tel: +49-711-16 48 92 7
Fax: +49-711-16 48 92 1

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