YES Forum


#YourEPsimulation: 2nd Publication - "Sésame, Ouvre-toi!"

The YourEP project, led by YES Forum and 9 members and partners, published its second outcome: "Sésame, Ouvre-toi! Recommendations - Unleashing the full potential of political simulations".

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Everybody deserves a chance to be a well-informed citizen. Do you agree? Then have a look at our YourEP Project’s tips!

“Open Sesame!” is the motto of these Recommendations. In here, you will find short & targeted solutions to foster Social Inclusion in political education, focusing on one example: “Unleashing the full potential of Political Simulations”!

Concluding the entire project, this publication is entirely based on our “YourEP Experiment”: for two years, diverse young people themselves & social workers designed and tested their own simulation of the European Parliament. Main objective: exploring ways of making it as Inclusive - regardless of participants’ personal background and needs - and Accessible - regardless of participants’ prior knowledge of or interest in politics and the EU.

Beyond political simulations, these tips can be applied to many other methods in political education. So whether you are organising your own simulations, would like to do so in the future, or are involved in non-formal education in general, we hope it can help you reaching youth in all its diversity!

And many many thanks to our dear YourEP Partners, Erasmus+ for making this experience possible, and everybody who showed interest in this experiment and its results!


All details on the YourEP Project can be found on its dedicated webpage.