YES Forum


YourEP – Simulation Accomplished! Strasbourg, 29-31 May

On 29 May -3 June in Strasbourg, the YourEP Project held its simulation of the European Parliament involving all its participants, with a majority of young people experiencing one of their first trip abroad as well as their first Erasmus+ experience.

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Designed for 1 year with the young participants themselves, the main objective was to make the simulation inclusive, accessible and as informal as possible for young people that are not familiar with the European Parliament.

It was of course only a simulation, but the YourEP project provided them an informal participative learning on how EU legislation works and an encouragement to be involved in the European project as citizens.

Thanks to their active participation and adapted methods, the project was a success and all participants, despite their different backgrounds and cultures, managed to interact and work together, and reach an impressive result embodying the EU motto “United in Diversity”.

And a bonus: our group could also take part in the European Youth Event 2018, and make the European Parliament their home for two additional days! For more news or some pictures, you can check the Report below or even here!