YES Forum


YourEP in Brussels: Challenge completed!

On 20-24 November, the YourEP Project had its first meeting involving all its participants from 7 EU partner countries, with a majority of young people experiencing their first trip abroad as well as their first Erasmus+ experience.

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Together with the youth workers supporting them, the young participants began by learning about Europe, the European Union, and the European Parliament in particular.

Through various activities - discussions, visits of the European Parliament and the European Quarter, an “EU Board Game” and meetings with MEPs and other EU officials in particular – they acquired crucial knowledge for the rest of the project ... and their life as EU citizens of course!

All this learning then helped them reflecting about the next steps of the project. Through their first roleplaying activities and a World Café, they brainstormed about the future “inclusive” simulation of the European Parliament that they will implement next year. All their ideas will now feed into the preparation of this simulation, which will continue online in the next few months, before we all meet again in Strasbourg in 2018 to test the young participants’ own EU political simulation, and even participate in the European Youth Event 2018!

Once again, thanks a lot to everybody who made this experience possible: Erasmus+ of course, the young participants themselves for their energy and ideas, the MEPs we could meet (MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Julie Ward and MEP Rainer Wieland), project partners, and JEF-Europe & JEF Brussels!

A full pictures gallery is now available here, a Report on the entire week below, and more information on the project's webpage as usual!