YES Forum


“YeToVo!” in the starting blocks!

On 13-15 June in Athens, the “YES to Volunteering!” Strategic EVS led by YES Forum held its 1st event.

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The “YeToVo!” Strategic EVS is a new YES Forum project which will implement, with a total of 10 partners in 6 EU countries (for now!), 19 European Voluntary Services by mid-2020. The project will ensure accessibility to youngsters facing additional obstacles compared to their peers.

It also ambitions to promote volunteering as a powerful educational tool and change-making experience among its network … and beyond!

YeToVo’s 1st Staff Training

The 1st YeToVo Complementary Activity focused on the one hand on providing space to the project partners for the exchange of experience and planning of the future EVS activities.

The project is involving 5 “newcomer” organisations who are starting their involvement in the EVS field: they could benefit from the more experimented EVS partners’ experience.

“Say YES to Volunteering!”

In addition, the Complementary Activity involved additional guests – beyond the YeToVo partnership – in several sessions under the theme “Say YES to Volunteering!”.

The objective was to provide more insight on EVS and volunteering in general not only to YeToVo partners themselves, but also to the whole YES Forum Network, to encourage more organisations in the youth and social field to get involved in volunteering.

For more information on the project or details on the event, have a look at the Report below! And you can find all our pictures here.