YES Forum


"YES to Volunteering!" - Staff Training 2, Groningen, 9-10 October

On 9-11 October in the charming Groningen (NL), the “YES to Volunteering!” Strategic EVS led by YES Forum held its 2nd event.

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The “YeToVo!” Strategic EVS is a YES Forum project which will implement 19 European Voluntary Services by mid-2020. The project will ensure accessibility to youngsters facing additional obstacles compared to their peers.

To foster ideal conditions for the exchange of European Volunteers, the partnership gathered in Groningen (NL) on 9-11 October. This 2nd Staff Training focused on how to provide the best support to volunteers.

YeToVo’s 2nd Staff Training

The training involved both:

  • Organisations already experienced in EVS, to reinforce their skills and share their knowledge, tools and ideas;
  • Newcomers in the field of European Volunteering, to learn best practices before sending or hosting their first volunteers.

Quality support from Sending and Hosting Organisations is essential to make volunteering abroad a life-changing learning experience. That is why, on 9th and 10th October, participants exchanged tools, methods and ideas on how to provide the best support to European Volunteers before, during and after their EVS.