YES Forum


YES Forum present at the Learning Mobility in the Youth Field conference

Between 7-9 October, the YES Forum participated in the conference ‘Learning Mobility in the Youth Field: Towards Opportunities for All. Evidence, Experience, Discourse’.

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The YES Forum took part in the bi-annual conference ‘Learning Mobility in the Youth Field: Towards Opportunities for All. Evidence, Experience, Discourse’ between 7th and 9th of October 2015, in Istanbul. The conference was organised by the European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM), an open participatory space for exchange and cooperation between practitioners, researchers, and policy makers with the mission to enhance knowledge, visibility and recognition of learning mobility in the youth field.

The conference aimed at exploring not only what hinders learning mobility or what influences its schemes and structures, but also looking at supporting opportunities that exist and that have proven to contribute to ‘inclusive learning mobility schemes’.

Besides several key note speeches, there have been parallel workshops tackling aspects such as impact, quality of learning mobility, support structures, recognition, motivation, and information and guidance on opportunities for learning mobility.

For an overview of the conference through social media coverage, click here.