YES Forum


YES-Forum Contact Making Event 2015 - Stuttgart

Summary - Contact Making Event 2015

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The Contact Making Event 2015 has been hosted by the YES Forum Secretariat in Stuttgart (DE) on the 8th and 9th of September. 37 members from 24 YES Forum Academy partner organizations joined the event to improve future prospects of vulnerable young people regarding education, training and employment, and to increase young people’s civic participation. Another important aspect of the Contact Making Event was to introduce partner organizations to each other and to learn from each other’s work and approaches.

The role of the Contact Making Event was to put in contact these different European partners and to establish a common approach and a mutual understanding for a collective European trajectory for youth work. By using interactive group methods partner presented their goals, struggles, and experience whilst applying concepts and methods concerning three themes: youth entrepreneurship, active citizenship, and youth transition and autonomous life.