YES Forum


YES Forum at the EFD-Zukunftskonferenz & EFD-Festakt in Aachen

On 20-21st October, the YES Forum staff participated to the EFD-Zukunftskonferenz in Aachen, a large-scale event organised by the German Erasmus+ Youth National Agency in order to celebrate the EVS 20th Anniversary while reflecting on its future.

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On 20-21st October, the YES Forum staff participated to the EFD-Zukunftskonferenz in Aachen, a large-scale event organised by the German Erasmus+ Youth National Agency in order to celebrate the EVS 20th Anniversary while reflecting on its future.

Together with the other participants, the German NA and representatives from the European Commission, the YES Forum discussed the main aspects to be improved in Erasmus+ Youth in the future: over-bureaucratic processes, under-funding in many areas, long response time to project proposals …

After the EFD-Zukunftskonferenz, the participants also joined the EFD-Festakt, which celebrated the 20th years anniversary of the EFD. Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, praised the role played by the EVS in building a Europe of solidarity.

For more information, please visit Jugend für Europa’s website.