YES Forum


YES Forum 2017 Project Planning Meeting

On 14-15 September 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany, the YES Forum held its annual Project Planning Meeting in cooperation with Europa Zentrum Baden-Württemberg.

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This two-day event prepared the ground for new collaboration opportunities in the future in the youth field. To support and stimulate the project development process, the participants shared their organisations’ own good practices, and learnt about additional funding opportunities at the European level.

Through several workshops, nine new project ideas were developed. You can have a look at these project ideas in the Report below: feel free to contact us or the project leader if you are interested to get involved as a partner in one of these!

Finally, the YES Forum participating members also discussed and took the last step in view of founding a new legal entity to provide innovative and flexible ways to support the YES Forum’s work. Keep posted to be updated about its creation!