YES Forum


YES Academy – Towards new, innovative projects!

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On 6-7 September, the participants of the `YES Academy´ project held their last meeting during the Contact Making Event (CME) organised by the YES Forum in Stuttgart, Germany.

This two-day event concluded the learning activities of the `YES Academy´ project, and prepared the ground for new collaboration opportunities in the future, with one aim: to improve youth work across the European Union and to better help youngsters with fewer opportunities!

During the CME, the participants were presented the Guide of Good practices in the field of active citizenship and youth social inclusion. It will now be finalised thanks to their feedback, and will soon be disseminated within the YES Forum and the partners’ networks. This guide will be a useful source of inspiration for youth workers across Europe, offering numerous examples of successful projects. The participants also discussed the Policy recommendations on Erasmus+, another outcome of the project. Through these recommendations, they will convey to EU and national decision-makers their opinion about the best ways to improve the Erasmus+ Programme for Youth. The CME also provided an invaluable starting point for further collaboration within the network: through several workshops, four new project ideas were developed.

In the upcoming months concrete project proposals will be written based on the work done in Stuttgart. For photos from the meeting, click on YES Forum's Facebook page.