YES Forum


"Working with young people - Between discourse and practice"

2016 Policy Event, Brussels, 15-16 November

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On 15-16 November, the YES Forum held its Policy Event in Brussels under the topic "Working with young people - Between discourse and practice".

The 2016 Policy Event was a unique opportunity to meet with high-ranking EU officials, including MEPs Jeroen LENAERS (NL, EPP), Julie Ward (UK, S&D) and Brando Benifei (IT, S&D), Antoaneta Angelova-Krasteva and Georges Bingen from the European Commission (DG EAC, Youth and Sport) and Klaus Loeffler from the European Parliament (EYE Unit).

Young people took part in the event as well to voice out their concerns directly to EU officials. To make the most of their trip to Brussels, they also visited the European Quarter, the European Parliament, and met with MEP Kaja Kallas (EE, ADLE) for an informal talk.

To know more about the content of the discussions during the event, please check the report below.