YES Forum


YES Forum 2021 Annual Event & General Assembly

Register now for our next Annual Event. Join us for interactive (and creative!) activities!

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YES Forum 2021Annual Event &General Assembly will be organized from 22nd June (13:45 - 17:00) to 23rd June (9:30 - 13.00)


On this occasion and taking advantage of the online format,theYES Forum wants to offer you a dynamic meeting! Following the review of the latest network activities, we will propose interactive (and creative!) activities throughout the two-days exchange. Our new Youth Empowerment Strategy, new opportunities brought by the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme and more innovative ideas are on the agenda this year:

Tuesday 22nd June - 13:45 - 17:00

  • Welcome and opening of the General Assembly
  • YES Forum: a platform for exchange and promotion of good practices - Giving members and partners a voice
  • Presentation of latest YES Forum activities
    • Including creative activities related to Europe and photography
  • For EEIG members only:
    • Financial report and Economic plan
    • YES Forum Board elections
  • Options: Join us for our YES Forum Yoga session or for the diffusion of a short movie related to the topic of gender!

Wednesday 23rd June - 09:30 - 13:00

  • Presentation of the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027 + Other relevant calls and opportunities
    Speaker: TBC
  • YES Forum Youth Empowerment Strategy
  • Brainstorming and networking session on new project ideas



As usual, the event is open to both practitioners and young people!

All YES Forum EEIG and Associate Members are invited, and non-member organisations are also welcome to this perfect opportunity to discover the YES Forum’s and its members’ work.

As a reminder, the Annual Event is open and everybody is free to engage in discussions, only EEIG members are entitled to take part in voting, to decide on statutory issues of the YES Forum EEIG.


If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact