YES Forum


Our life. Our Voice. Young people and poverty

Partner's meeting in Finland

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One June 6-7, 25 young people and their mentors came together in Jakobstad, Finland, for the partner’s meeting of the strategic partnership ‘Our life. Our voice. Young people and poverty’. During the two days meeting, the participants presented the work and research they have done in the past year of this running project. The different working groups are now in the part of the project where they focus on one specific topic related to child and youth poverty. For example ‘How does poverty affect education?’ and ‘What does "mental" poverty mean for young people?’

During a World Café the participants started to think about the second step of this project. How to present the results to politicians and stakeholders was the main question that was discussed. Furthermore the young people thought and debated about policy recommendations both on national and European level to tackle youth poverty and the problems related to it.

Do you want more details? Follow the blog on the project website to get more insights by the young people and stay updated on the proceedings.