YES Forum


New Project: DIVE!

In the framework of the DIVE project ("Diversity in Pan-European Youth Networks"), the YES Forum will collaborate with three major European Youth Networks in order to help them reach and involve a more diverse audience.

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From 2017 to 2019, the YES Forum will support the European youth networks JEF Europe (Young European Federalists), ESN International (Erasmus Student Network) and AEGEE Europe (European Students' Forum) and their local and national member with its expertise in view of making their sections more inclusive.

The DIVE project started from a shared observation: although they are important in promoting European awareness and allowing an informed debate on EU integration among young Europeans, these networks suffer from a lack of diversity among their volunteers due to several perceived or real barriers.

The project therefore aims at identifying these barriers and at collectively reflecting on how to take them down. The final goal is to make sections of JEF, ESN and AEGEE more diverse and ultimately to make European volunteering more accessible and inclusive.

To do so, the project will organise 3 trainings where members of these European platforms, together with the YES Forum, will identify these barriers and develop adapted tools to take them down.