YES Forum


Have your say! – YES Forum at the European Youth Event 2018

On 1–2 June 2018, the European Youth Event took place in Strasbourg and YES Forum was on site with 35 young participants and youth workers !

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Participants were free to choose their own activities (workshops, debates, conferences, etc) on their favourite subjects. The youngsters could make the European Parliament their home for 2 days, they could meet MEPs, and take part in the YO Fest, the young European festival to meet and exchange with the European youth.

As an organization, our objective was to bring diversity at the EYE as most of the EYE participants are already engaged in European project and where higher education students were over-represented the last editions.

To go further, here you can find the short interviews of 3 of our participants, Elias, Laura and Giulia. And a lot more pictures here!