YES Forum


H2020 PROMISE at the #EYE2018, the biggest youth event in Europe!

With its partner YES Forum, H2020 PROMISE joined thousands of young Europeans at the European Parliament in Strasbourg for the largest youth engagement opportunity this year in the European Union: the European Youth Event 2018!

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YES Forum took part in the EYE2018 with more than 8.000 young people. Its group contributed to the diversity of the event with 7 different countries represented, almost 40 young people and youth workers from many different backgrounds! YES Forum also held a workshop called "Why so serious? EU politics can be fun!", discussing alternative ways to promote youth engagement in Europe and promoting PROMISE.

YES Forum used this unique gathering of young Europeans as an opportunity to discuss their social and political engagement, and to complement its partners' research on this matter.

The exchanges with the young #EYE2018 participants, as well as a survey conducted on site by the YES Forum, will contribute to the work conducted by PROMISE researchers from the German Research Institute GESIS.

Thanks to this opportunity, YES Forum explored in particular how these EYE young participants are engaged societally and politically: what are the specific issues motivating them to become active, their profile, as well as how they can encourage more young people to get engaged.

A few quotes from the survey itself:

  • “Politics is directed at older generations. They aren't taken seriously enough/feel powerless”
  • “In my opinion, [some young people are socially and politically disengaged because] they do not have any facilities enough to be engaged”
  • “I think the slow reaction from politicians and tendency to repeat the same unfulfilled promises discourage young people from taking actions”
  • “[Some young people] don't feel like they have a voice. Young people have all the potential but older generations don't value their opinion”

For more information and some sunny pictures, you can check here! And look out for further news on our Newsfeed, Twitter and Instagram as more results will emerge soon!