YES Forum


H2020 PROMISE and "Our Life. Our Voice" visit Prague!

On 12-14 June, the YES Forum and the Manchester University participated in the Symposium organised by the EU-CoE Youth Partnership in Prague. Together, they promoted their projects and good practices in the youth field to over 100 delegates.

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The event was the perfect opportunity to present the PROMISE research project at the European level, in order to facilitate the transfer of knowledge to policy and practice.

Jo Deakin, the project coordinator at the University of Manchester, and Katerina Konecna from the YES Forum took part in discussions and activities over the 3-day meeting, reaching all relevant European stakeholder, including the EU institutions and the Council of Europe, youth networks such as the European Youth Forum and the Young European Federalists, other European universities, and of course youth workers themselves.

Contacts from the Symposium will soon join our European Policy Network (EPN) that will be holding its first meeting in Brussels on 4 July.

Because the Symposium focused on "Youth Policy Responses to the Contemporary Challenges Faced by Young People", the YES Forum was also invited to present the outcomes of its Erasmus+ "Our Life. Our Voice. Young people and Poverty"project! Katerina animated several workshops to disseminate the projects' results to both policy-makers and youth workers from all over Europe.

For more information, please have a look:

  • At the H2020 PROMISE website here;
  • At the "Our Life. Our Voice" website here;
  • At the EU-CoE Youth Partnership's website here.