YES Forum


European Commission: Evaluation of the youth policy cooperation in the European Union

The evaluation of the youth policy cooperation in the EU opened until 16 October 2016.

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The European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) opened the evaluation of the youth policy cooperation in the European Union (EU).

This consultation is about how EU countries work together on policy for young people. The Commission wants to find out how useful and effective you think EU youth policy is. More specifically, if you know about:

  • the EU Youth Strategy (2010-2018)
  • the EU Council Recommendation on the mobility of young volunteers in the EU.

Your opinion and experience with these initiatives are important; as well as how you think cooperation on youth policy can be improved.

The results of this consultation will be used to plan future EU youth policy measures. DG EAC will publish a Staff Working Document, including a summary of the results of the consultation, by the end of 2016.

Respondents should complete the consultation via the online questionnaire.

The period of consultation is between 18 July and 16 October 2016.