YES Forum


Erasmus+ Call for proposals on prevention of radicalisation and social inclusion

New Erasmus+ call for proposals on Preventing violent radicalisation and Fostering social inclusion.

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In the aftermath of the 2015 terrorist attacks, the European Council decided to put a stronger emphasis on the promotion of social inclusion and the fight against violent radicalisation, both at national and European levels.

This new call for proposals, falling under Erasmus+ Key Action 3 (Support for policy reform) follows this decision, and will support projects in the fields of education, training and youth aiming at:

  1. Preventing violent radicalisation and promoting democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and active citizenship.
  2. Fostering the inclusion of disadvantaged learners, including persons with a migrant background, while preventing and combating discriminatory practices.

Eligible activities include Transnational cooperation projects and Large-scale volunteering projects, with a maximum grant of €500.000. The call for proposals will be open until May 30th.

The EACEA will also hold an Infoday on that call for proposals in Brussels on April 18th. You can register or watch the event online by following this link.