YES Forum


Annual Event - YES Forum marches forward!

YES Forum, its members and partners held their annual meeting in Athens on 14 – 15 June to stay on course on helping European youngsters.

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YES Forum marches forward!

YES Forum, its members and partners held their annual meeting in Athens on 14 – 15 June to stay on course on helping European youngsters. Opportunity to celebrate new achievements, expansion to broader horizons thanks to new partners.

The objective was also to discuss the future strategy to support the network’s growth and provide more and more European projects, and encourage young people.

That was also the opportunity to and to welcome new members! Action Jeunesse Pessac (France) and Jong Goud Slochteren (Netherlands) join the network, YES Forum members look forward working with them!

Check our Report and stay tuned for our next events:

Project Planning Meeting - 10-11 October, Groningen, NL

Policy Event - 19-22 November, Brussels, BE