YES Forum


It works! Project - 2nd Partner Meeting

On 29-30 June, the partner organisations held virtually their 2nd meeting.

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On June 29 and 30, the partners from Germany, Greece, United Kingdom, Spain, Romania and Sweden held their 2nd Partner Meeting virtually. Besides reviewing what has been achieved so far – especially in regards the research substitute for the first intellectual output, partners have set the basis for the following outputs.

The aim of the 2nd Output will be to create a handbook and toolbox for professionals. Therefore, the partner agreed on the thematic areas and tools and on the learning themes for the 3rd intellectual output. This will be about boosting soft skills for employability for disadvantaged youngsters.
Despite partners are aware that Covid-19 causes some challenges in the ongoing work, the project will get continued with little necessary changes.

For more information, you can also check the project webpage. .