YES Forum


Europe 3E 3rd Online Meeting

On 25th March, youth workers and young participants virtually met to discuss next steps of the Europe 3E project.

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On 25th March, youth workers and young participants gathered virtually to create together the next steps of the Europe3E project and organise the next training for young people that will take place over the Summer.

Since the first training that took place in November, young participants from all project partner organisations experienced the Photovoice method. In spite of all regulations due to the current pandemic, they manage to explore their local environment and take pictures representing what the EU meant to them and to express themselves through the mean of photography. Here are some of the great results:

Based on the different photos, youth workers and young people reflected on the main themes and key words, that will be used later as basis for discussions for political simulations during the next stage of the project at the training for young people taking place during Summer 2021.

For more information and to see more pictures, you can also check the project webpage.