YES Forum


Europe3E – Policy recommendations published!

The publication compiles the main highlights of the exchanges and experiences of young participants

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The policy recommendations based on the experiences of Europe3E project are now available on our website. The document “Europe3E starts at your doorstep! Key messages – Making young people's voice heard” compiles the main highlights of the exchanges and experiences of both the young participants and the youth & social work practitioners involved in the project.

These reflections cover different topics such as the impact of COVID pandemic on social issues, the importance of education and environment for young people or how online tools can become an exclusion factor.

As outputs for Europe3E project there are also available a guide on Photovoice method and a guide to organise political simulations.

All the publications related to this project can be found on our webpage.

The "Europe through young Eyes: Exchange, Explore, Exhibit (Europe3E)” project aimed to reach meaningful Active Citizenship, to raise Political Awareness, and to deepen Social Inclusion among youth, through peer and photovoice research, political simulation and policy recommendations.