YES Forum


2017 Policy Event, Brussels, 23-24 November

On 23-24 November, the YES Forum organised its 2017 Policy Event in Brussels under the theme “Reconciling the European project with youth – An open dialogue”.

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Through this event, practitioners from the youth field, young people themselves and EU policy and decision-makers could share their respective views on the best way forward in the promotion of a more inclusive European Union for youth.

On the first day, two panel sessions addressed the question “How to reconcile the European project with all youth before it is too late?” and explored how the future European Solidarity Corps can contribute to this “reconciliation”. The discussion was connected to experiences YES Forum members have through their daily work with diverse groups of young people and from various European projects, ranging from participatory approaches in Our Life. Our Voice, YourEP to research on youth involvement in PROMISE.

After celebrating the YES Forum’s 15th Anniversary, Policy Event guests gathered on the second day to discuss the future of the YES Forum network. It was the perfect opportunity to officially found the new legal entity, YES Innovation and Research, which will now complement the YES Forum’s work by providing a new, innovative and more flexible toolbox for future projects in the field of youth!

A pictures gallery is also available here.