YES Forum


2015 Annual report now online!

The YES Forum is very pleased to present you the YES Forum 2015 Annual report!

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2015 was an exciting and busy time for the network, working hard to secure financial and operational stability of the YES Forum in the coming years.

Despite all of the pressure, we are proud to have six new approved projects. All of them create opportunities for young people who, otherwise, would not have access to activities to meet young people from across Europe, to learn and to have fun together.

In this report you will not only see many examples of our activities, but also the views and voices of young people and youth workers involved in our work. As illustrated throughout this report, our commitment to improving the life chances of vulnerable young people in Europe is needed more than ever.

The success of the last year has only been possible due to our enthusiastic members, a passionate board and committed staff in the YES Forum secretariat. Thank you very much.

The report is available here.