YES Forum


First virtual General Assembly

From the 20th to 21st October 2020 the YES Forum held its first virtual General Assembly!

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YES Forum’s first virtual General Assembly successfully took place from the 20th to 21st October. The two day event was open to members and interested parties alike. The participants were able to exchange ideas and to talk about current developments and struggles which the youth work sector is facing nowadays.

The new strategy of the Network was presented, aiming to further solidify and strengthen the Forum’s  work.  We were also able to welcome ÖJAB as a new member. The Austrian organisation works with many different target groups and has been the organiser of the hybird meetings in Vienna last September.

Another highlight was the keynote speech given by Floor van Houdt, who is the head of the Unit for Youth, Volunteer Solidarity and Traineeship office on Youth policy and Erasmus+.

More information about keynote topics are enclosed in the following links:

The virtual General Assembly showed that working together from a distance can be fruitful! We encourage the participants and all of those, who were not able to take part to stay in touch.

We hope to have further inspired you and your peers to believe, that progress is possible.