YES Forum


BRIDGE – Training our abilities to transfer and manage knowledge within our organisations

YES Forum presented the first results of the survey on intergenerational dialogue in the second BRIDGE training

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The partners of BRIDGE project continue working on ways to promote intergenerational dialogue within organisations. All the entities involved met in Örebro for the second training, focused on transfer and management of knowledge. There, YES Forum presented the first results of the survey on intergenerational dialogue and knowledge transfer methods in organisations from partner countries.

The presentation opened the discussion of informal and formal methods to transfer knowledge from seniors to juniors, and vice versa. According to the survey results both juniors and seniors find the same methods to be most effective.

Clarifying concepts and exchange of methods

The training was facilitated by ÖJAB. The first day was  focused on reflection on already introduced methods, while the second day was dedicated to finding innovative methods and try-outs.

ÖJAB gave an introduction about the definition of main concepts: “knowledge management”, “knowledge transfer” and the difference between them. During these two days, the organisations discussed and learned about knowledge transfer and management methods.