YES Forum


YES Forum "Meet & Connect" Event

On 4-5 October, the YES Forum organised its "Meet & Connect" event in Köln!

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The event was a unique opportunity to conclude the Europe3E project with not only its official partners, but also a wider group of social & youth workers from within and without the YES Forum network. Practitioners from the youth & social field could indeed learn about and exchange on Europe3E's innovative combination of the Photovoice method and a political simulation of the European Parliament. As the project coincided "perfectly" with the Covid-19 pandemic's emergence, discussions also naturally addressed how Europe3E coped and could still achieve its objectives.

Young Europe3E participants also joined and could finally meet after 2 years during which the Covid-19 made it impossible ... except through laptop screens. To celebrate, they enjoyed a guided tour of Köln together, but also went through a final edition of Europe3E's political simulation of the EP.

As the event was the first face-to-face meeting for many of our members and partners in a long time, our newly-elected board held a meeting to plan the future of the network. Different sessions were also organised with all participants to exchange good practices and brainstorm about new project ideas. We are looking forward to these future collaborations!