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Kinderstadt Goes Europe - 2nd Training in Arvidsjaur, Sweden!

Kinderstadt Goes Europe project partners met in Arvidsjaur, Sweden!

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Over the course of 21 months, the Kinderstadt Goes Europe project trains youth organizations from several European countries in order to prepare them to create, design, and later on implement, their very own Kinderstadt. 'Children’s Town' is a pedagogical concept in a sort of Mini-city, which enables children and young people to experience complex relationships and processes of social life.
It promotes in a playful and low-threshold way what active participation in democratic and civic life can mean.

As participants and volunteers, the young people gain a lot of skills regarding social life, active citizenship, intercultural competences etc. 'Children’s Town' is planned, organized and implemented by professionals working with children and young people, together with local actors such as SMEs, banks, but also political decision-makers. The concept is always supported by volunteers.

This time, Kinderstadt Goes Europe project partners met in Arvidsjaur, Sweden for their second training. Next to project updates from all partners and sharing of best practice, Arvidsjaur's first Kinderstadt was realised! All partners contributed to the Kinderstadt which was organised as part of the town's festival "Let's Go Arvidsjaur" and was hence named "Let's Go Kids" and offered many different occupations for the children to try. Many young volunteers from the community were also involved. Once again, a great adaptation of the original concept.

For more information on the Kinderstadt Goes Europe project, click here or go straight to the project's website by clicking here.