YES Forum


Europe 3E C1 Online Training

On 2nd - 6th November, youngsters and youth workers held their C1 virtual training for the Europe 3E project.

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On 2nd - 6th November, the Europe3E Project held its first meeting involving all participants. A majority of young people experienced their first Erasmus+ experience through a Virtual Training. It allowed them to meet, exchange and collaborate despite challenging times.

The meeting was vacilitated by the youth workers and external experts of the YES Forum, Elie Demerseman and Sophie Brandes.

The training had two main objectives. For one it intented to give all young participants the necessary knowledge to engage in the following steps, with a focus on learning about Europe, the European Union and EU citizenship, the European Parliament, as well as all the learning happening in such an intercultural exchange. The young people also learned about the “Photovoice” method: a perfect, easy tool to help anybody express themselves – opinions, feelings, concerns, questions, hopes, wishes … - on complex topics through photography!

The following steps for the groups are to lead the Photovoice peer-research process in partners’ countries, as separate groups first, before discussing and comparing their earliest visual results online, and in person eventually and to prepare for the project’s next event: participants will meet again in Brussels or Strasbourg in mid - 2021. There they will conclude their learning experience on the EU by taking part in a simulation of the European Parliament, leading to policy recommendations based on their debates. They will also finetune the Photovoice process by leading final discussions on their visual results will lead to the future photo exhibition.

For more information, you can also check the project webpage.