YES Forum


Europe 3E Transnational Partner Meeting

On the 2nd and 3rd September members met in Vienna for a hybrid meeting.

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On the second and third of September project partners, originating from Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France, took part in in the second partner meeting for the Europe 3E project. Due to special preparations and a hygiene concept it was possible to split the meeting into a shared virtual and on site session in Vienna, hosted by the associated member OEJAB.  In this new environment the partners discussed the developments of the Europe 3E project and reflected upon their challenges due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The aim of the event was to further coordinate the next steps of the project, including the organisation of trainings with young participants in the near future and to strengthen and support each other’s efforts in shared European projects.

The YES Forum wants to thank OEJAB for coordinating the event and making a face to face meeting possible under these extraordinary circumstances. Also many thanks to BAG EJSA for providing the YES Forum with the necessary technical infrastructure for the team in Stuttgart.

For more information on the Europe 3E project please visit here.