YES Forum


YourEP - Time to prepare for the EYE2018!

From 29 May to 3 June 2018, the YourEP participants will all gather in Strasbourg to test their own inclusive simulation of the European Parliament ... and take part in the European Youth Event 2018 itself!

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Together, young participants and youth workers from 10 partner organisations across Europe will experience the project's climax.

It will indeed be time for all YourEP participants to implement their own simulation of the European Parliament, designed through meetings and online activities in 2017 and 2018 in order to obtain a simulation method accessible to all young people.

But that will not be all! The European Youth Event will hold its 2018 edition during the same week: the YourEP participants will therefore have the opportunity to take part in the EYE2018, learn from other young Europeans, express their views on many issues ... and talk about their own experience in an Erasmus+ project.

For more information, please have a look at the project website!