YES Forum


YourEP 2nd Partner Meeting in Piteå, Sweden

On 8th March, the 10 partners of the YourEP project will meet in Piteå, Sweden for their second Transnational Project Meeting.

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In 2017, the first phase of the YourEP project focused on giving the young participants the necessary knowledge about the European Union and the European Parliament and letting them design their future "inclusive" simulation of the European Parliament.

With the second Transnational Project Meeting, partners will focus on the second phase of the project: the online preparation of the future YourEP simulation, and the planning of the actual simulation in Strasbourg!

To plan ahead, both young participants and youth workers from each partner organisation will gather to review the many ideas shared by all participants in Brussels in November 2017 on how to organise the YourEP simulation so that it is accessible to everybody, including youngsters with fewer opportunities. All these ideas will turn into concrete plans, which will be implemented online until all participants meet again to conduct the actual simulation in Strasbourg in late May.

For more information about the project, please check the dedicated webpage.