YES Forum


YES Forum 2019 Annual Event: PROMISE Final Conference and General Assembly

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YES Forum’s Annual Event took place from 8th April (11:30) to 9th April (16:00) in Manchester (UK), in collaboration with the University of Manchester (offical invitation to be downloaded here). The Annual Event will include:

YES Forum’s 2019 General Assembly

On 8 April, YES Forum members and partners reviewed the latest network activities, the progress made towards achieving our Strategy 2020 and welcome new member organisations. Furthermore, the new Board was elected for the next two years!

PROMISE Final Conference, “Young People and Social Change: Action, Reaction and Inaction”

On both days 8 and 9 April, the University of Manchester, YES Forum and their academic partners presented the results of the H2020 research project PROMISE (, which explores how young people in ‘conflict’ with society are nevertheless engaged and present opportunities for positive social change across Europe.


More information on the PROMISE Final Conference:

The H2020 PROMISE research project has been using a variety of social research methods including 22 ethnographic case studies and a quantitative analysis of data from secondary sources such as the European Social Survey to find out about the ways in which young people in ‘conflict’ with society nevertheless engage with society and get involved. The 22 ethnographic case studies carried out in 10 partner countries focus on a diverse range of youth that experience marginalisation and stigmatisation and therefore are in some way in conflict with society. These include gender activists in Portugal, young ex-offenders in Estonia and radical left youth in Germany.

At the Final Conference, PROMISE’s results were presented and guests had the opportunity to get in contact with researchers, young people and stakeholders in the fields of youth involvement from around Europe. Find out what the research results show us on how youth in conflict do engage with society and how their involvement can be promoted on the PROMISE project page, and the PROMISE website! Also, check out the latest newsletters related to PROMISE here.