YES Forum


DIVE - Towards greater diversity among pan-European Youth Networks: 1st Training

The DIVE project (Diversity in Pan-European Networks) will hold its first International Training on inclusion and diversity in Sofia, Bulgaria on 13-18 February.

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Through this project, the YES Forum will support the European youth networks JEF Europe (Young European Federalists), ESN International (Erasmus Student Network) and AEGEE Europe (European Students' Forum) and their local and national members with its expertise in view of making their sections more inclusive towards youngsters with fewer opportunities.


As a first step in the overall project, the 1st Training will focus on identifying the barriers explaining why these networks currently lack diversity.

The YES Forum will contribute to this training by sharing its knowledge of diversity and inclusion in the field of youth, its expertise, methods and good practices with the other participants, mostly volunteers involved in the local sections of JEF Europe, ESN, AEGEE. It will also build stronger connections with these networks for further collaboration on diversity and inclusion in the future.

This 1st Training will serve as a basis for the project’s future activities, in particular in creating 2 operational tools for member of European-minded organisations:

  • A workshop methodology to raise awareness and train local volunteers towards greater diversity
  • A guide of good practices of existing initiatives and good practices towards higher diversity