YES Forum


Gender-sensitivity in youth work: 1st Staff Training

Youth work practitioners and external experts meet to explore the topic of gender in this exciting training. Including exchange of best practice, workshops and discussions. Be a part of it via the YES Forum!

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“We would have more energy.” “We would have more time.” “We would live!”… Just a few of the statements from the the "Towards more Gender-sensitivity in youth work" project’s Kick-off meeting about what the world would be like if gender was not a problem.  Because we are passionate about making this reality, we are organising a Short Term Staff Training from 17-21 June 2019 in Munich, Germany.

Not only in discussions and reflections, but also by trying out different methods from the field, participants will get a grasp of gender sensitive work with young people. Inputs from external experts will ensure that participants not only explore gender concepts within the field of youth work, but rather gain a broader understanding of the role of gender in the society as a whole.

This training is open to practitioners working in the field of youth who share a common interest in working with youth on the topic of gender. If you are interested in joining, please contact

We look forward to hearing from you!