YES Forum


Who we are

The YES Forum is a network of organisations working with and for young people who face disadvantages stemming from their socio-economic background, educational difficulties, discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity, and/or geographical seclusion.

YES Forum desires a society where every young person, regardless of their background, is able to realize their full potential and is given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to society. We long for a participatory culture where young people are encouraged to have a voice and to be involved in decisions impacting their lives, allowing them to fulfil their aspirations.

“Together we can make sure young people’s voices are heard” – YES Forum promotes civic and political education across a more inclusive Europe. We are dedicated to increasing the opportunities and chances in the lives of all young people by providing support for a real participation in society.

Youth participation is our central value. . The guiding question in our work is not "What can we do for young people?" Instead, we are asking "What can we do with them?" Embedded in a culture of listening and meaningful involvement of young people, we acknowledge the diverse ways of how young people can make valuable contributions to projects and activities, by promoting social engagement of young people.

The main areas we focus on in our work are education and training, youth employment, youth participation, and social inclusion.

Furthermore, we contribute to the objectives of the European Youth Goals and the European Pillars of Social Rights. By developing new and innovative ways to work with and for young people, we support them in their transition to adulthood.

We are resolute about the best way to reach these objectives: it can only be done through a strong youth and social work sector across Europe.